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Udemy線上課程 顧問式業務銷售策略 Consulting business sales strategy 講師:Ace learningonly 影音教學 中文發音 繁體中文版(DVD版)

Udemy線上課程 顧問式業務銷售策略 Consulting business sales strategy 講師:Ace learningonly 影音教學 中文發音 繁體中文版(DVD版)
Udemy線上課程 顧問式業務銷售策略 Consulting business sales strategy 講師:Ace learningonly 影音教學 中文發音 繁體中文版(DVD版)


01 - 顧問式業務銷售策略-1 Consulting business sales strategy-1
001 業務的定義 Definition of Business.mp4
002 問題解決型業務 Problem-solving business.mp4
003 以日本經濟為例 Take the Japanese economy as an example.mp4
004 業務人員面臨的問題 Problems faced by business people.mp4
005 為何營業額無法提升? Why can't sales increase_.mp4
006 過時的推銷方法 Outdated marketing methods.mp4
007 公司業績目標 Company Performance Goals.mp4
008 編寫事業企劃書 Writing a business plan.mp4
009 客戶分類 Customer Classification.mp4
010 總結1 Summary 1.mp4

02 - 顧問式業務銷售策略-2 Consulting business sales strategy-2
011 這真的是客戶的真實需求嗎? Is this really what customers want_.mp4
012 回到根本,企業到底要的是什麼? Back to the basics, what do companies want_.mp4
013 企業業績的提升模式 Business Performance Improvement Model.mp4
014 客戶到底需要什麼? What do customers need_.mp4
015 觀點的差異 The difference in perspective.mp4
016 不同層級關心的事 Different levels of concern.mp4
017 組織中的角色 Roles in the organization.mp4
018 提案銷售業務的意義 The significance of the sales proposal.mp4
019 總結2 Summary 2.mp4

03 - 顧問式業務銷售策略-3 Consulting business sales strategy-3
020 成為解決問題型的業務 Become a problem-solving business.mp4
021 推銷的功能? The function of sales promotion_.mp4
022 販賣現有商品的流程 The process of selling existing products.mp4
023 推銷的業務流程 Business Process of Sales Promotion.mp4
024 過去的推銷 Past Sales.mp4
025 販賣商品指的是… Selling products means.mp4
026 聆聽客戶意見的重要性 The importance of listening to customers.mp4
027 要詢問的客戶對象 Who to ask.mp4
028 業務人員與研發部門的關係 Relationship between sales and R&D department.mp4
029 總結3 Summary 3.mp4

04 - 顧問式業務銷售策略-4 Consulting business sales strategy-4
030 問題解決導向銷售法的三個階段 Three Stages of Problem Solving Guided Selling Method.mp4
031 有效地販賣既有的商品 Selling existing products effectively.mp4
032 具體的核心技能 Specific core skills.mp4
033 意識到的問題(客戶滿足度) Awareness of the problem (customer satisfaction).mp4
034 取悅客戶的邏輯樹 Logic tree to delight customers.mp4
035 為何要先決定目標客群?Why is it necessary to determine the target customer group beforhand_.mp4
036 思考下階段的商品,並提出計畫Think about the next stage of selling products and propose a plan.mp4
037 為何商品種類會增加? Why is the product range increasing_.mp4
038 創造出全新的需求明確的概念 Create a new concept with clear needs.mp4
039 總結4 Summary4.mp4

05 - 顧問式業務銷售策略-5 Consulting business sales strategy-5
040 什麼是提問力? What is questioning power_.mp4
041 談話的意義 The meaning of the conversation.mp4
042 溝通 Communication.mp4
043 加強提問能力其背後的意義 The meaning behind strengthening the questioning ability.mp4
044 發現客戶的問題 Identifying the customer's problem.mp4
045 訪談中的失敗 Failure in Interviews.mp4
046 訪談中的流程 The flow of the interview.mp4
047 決定訪談對象 Deciding who to interview.mp4
048 提問時的注意要點 Points to note when asking questions.mp4
049 提問方法的關鍵 The key to the questioning method.mp4
050 不好的問題背後緣由 Reasons behind bad questions.mp4
051 提問的訣竅 Tips for asking questions.mp4
052 總結5 Summary5.mp4

06 - 顧問式業務銷售策略-6 Consulting business sales strategy-6
053 訪談時可能發生的大問題 The big problems that can happen during an interview.mp4
054 邏輯思考的作用 The role of logical thinking.mp4
055 歸納性思考 Inductive Thinking.mp4
056 歸納性地整理對方意見 Organizing the other person's opinion in a summarized way.mp4
057 透過歸納與演繹推測出全體像Deducing the whole picture through inductive and deductive thinking.mp4
058 藉由假設勾畫出全體像 Draw the whole picture by hypothesis.mp4
059 案例演示 Case Studies.mp4
060 總結6 Summary6.mp4

07 - 複習測驗 Review Tests

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